Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Laser Hair Removal Facts from what to use to who is a good Candidate

It is always good to know as much about elective procedures such as laser hair removal before you go into it. It is not a surgical procedure but that doesn’t mean it is not to be taken seriously. Some people opt to do this at a clinic with a more powerful laser and some opt to do it at home with a hand-held. Either way here are some tips you need to know before you go.

Who is a good candidate?

Did you know that there are better candidates for laser hair removal than others? When you are dealing with pigmentation which is essentially what you are doing when you are looking to do laser hair removal, you are dealing with the “right” pigmentation. The best candidates that get the best and quickest results are those with dark hair and light skin tones. This is for lasers and pulse lights and from the reviews out there they still need a few treatments to be 90% effective. No one ever really walks out of a laser hair removal treatment either in a clinic or at home 100% perfect on the first go. But, it still beats waxing and shaving by miles.

There are new technologies for laser hair removal that use pulsed light and radio frequency to treat women with gray or blonde hair but these haven’t been out long enough to get  a real bead on what the rate of success is on this.

Word to the wise for dark-skinned or tanned persons 

Laser Hair Removal in Langley is successful because the laser and or pulsed light break down melanin in the skin. This is why it will work most effectively on dark hair because the darker the pigment in the hair or skin, the more melanin you have. It is best to know this ahead of time because dark-skinned people are liable to experience permanent skin discoloration so electrolysis is best for them. Hair has three stages it goes through—growth—settled and shed. The laser targets the hair in growth phase. 

So when does the hair disappear and how?

Contrary to popular belief, the hair doesn’t vaporize under the laser. It gets weaker as it loses pigment and falls out as you shower. The tip here is use a nice sugar-scrub to gently encourage the hair to fall out. It generally takes 10 to 14 days to fall out. For more information about ‘teeth whitening in Langley’ and ‘Spa in Langley’ please visit our official blog at:

The Importance of Laser Hair Removal and Skin Care in Surrey

Not everybody is successful with laser hair removal. A right clinic will make clear what they can and cannot do for you giving your particular hair and skin type. The process works best on lighter skinned persons that have dark hair. If you are very tan or dark skinned, in most instances, a clinic will not suggest that you think about this system for hair removal. The hair removal can be attained, but the challenge lies with your skin. The skin might turn out to be lighter at the hair removal area and the change may be lasting. An unpleasant marking may be left so that you are no better off than you were with the useless hair in the first place.
Skin care is one of the many things you can do to keep your life, your body and the environment free from artificial, chemically-based ingredients, some of which may actually be toxic. All natural skin care, sometimes known as organic skin care in Surrey is a great way to keep your complexion in top condition. Here's some information about natural beauty products that might be useful to women.

Evaluating clinics is important since some can do more than others in spite of your skin and hair color. It is not uncommon to learn of a great clinic to perform a procedure with one kind of laser instrument, only to uncover a competing clinic that utilizes more advanced laser equipment. With the different laser equipment on hand; some clinics may possibly be able to handle more types of hair and skin factors than another is capable of. A word of guidance to you would be, if a clinic informs you that you are not a candidate for laser hair removal, go obtain a second opinion before giving up.

Spa in Langley is not expensive the charge increases with the size of the spot you would like treated. The first treatment may look reasonable to you, but nearly always subsequent treatments are necessary before the process is complete. Each treatment will add more to the whole price of having hair removed by laser. So even if the opening price may begin in the hundreds of dollars, it can end up being in the thousands. Hair removal hardly warrants coverage on anyone is health insurance policy, so this will have to be paid for outright, or financed. A good number of clinics either have financing themselves or can set you up to be financed by an outside company.

After laser hair removal, there may be some ordinary and expected redness and swelling in the site. It is of the greatest consequence that you keep to the recovery information you are given to the letter. Any side effects normally clear up in a few days time. However, laser hair removal in Langley is almost akin to a actual medical procedure and complications and additional side effects can arise. In this incident, it is once more critical that you decide on your clinic sensibly. Your professional after-care if sudden difficulties occur can make or break whether your laser treatment causes any permanent harm or not.